VulnHub CTF Walkthrough 2020/07/15

Oreo is a VulnHub CTF based on an Android Device.

Learnings :
  • Reverse Engineering

  • Advanced SSH functions

  • User Flag: HARD

  • Root Flag: Medium (User flag required)

During this walkthrough, oreo.local equals oreo ip adress

First Step : Enumeration

1. Nmap

Firstly , we have to do a nmap scan for see availables ports. We can use : nmap oreo.local -p-
Nmap returns us:

5555/tcp  filtered freeciv (1)
8022/tcp  open     oa-system (2)
8384/tcp  open     marathontp (3)
22000/tcp open     snapenetio (4)
1 Used port by ADB
2 8022 , 22 ? SSH ?
3 Unknown
4 Unknown

2.Check Unknown Services

1. 8022

For checking this port , you just have to do nc oreo.local 8022 Netcat print us SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.0
Ok. 8022 is SSH

2. 8384 and 22000

For checking these ports, a simple google search works , if you type "port 22000 8384", you’re gonna find this link
This link is talking about Syncthing, a tool for sync and backup data between some devices.
This service is using both ports , 8384 and 22000 , we found what it was.

3. 5555

This port seems to be protected , that’s interesting, it can mean that it is a sensitive port , and , after some researches , we know that adb is using this port for remote shell
So, we can suppose that 5555 = adb


Port Service






Syncthing WEB GUI


Syncthing TCP

3. Looking for possible entry

1. SSH

There’s a SSH , but we don’t have any password

2. ADB

There’s an ADB remote server, but it’s protected by a firewall


When we try to access the interface, it asks user and password..
Ugh.. Guessing.. Found ! That’s syncthing:syncthing
Ok. Now we’re logged into Syncthing


As you can see, there’s a shared folder named Backup
Let’s try to grab its content

4. Grab Backup Content

1. Install Syncthing On My Computer

For that, i type a single command sudo apt install syncthing

Command depends of your linux distribution

2. Grab

First, launch syncthing with the useful syncthing command !
Syncthing’ll be launched into your web browser.
Now , copy your unique identifier by going to Actions > Show my ID


Then , copy it and go to oreo syncthing instance.
And click on Add Device, put your code and put a friendly name ,like HACKEEEER


Well, now click on Backup > Edit > Sharing and check your device (HACKEEEER)


You’re gonna receive a notification on your syncthing instance. Accept sharing and let syncthing grab all data for you :)

3.Check content

Now, if all went well, you should have a Backup folder with Backup content, like that:


We let you explore all these folders, but if you want speed up, it’s right here below

We found an interesting app , located in folder, if you extract app data (located in , you should find sqlite database, located in databases>notes_db


Open it with dBeaver, and look entry table’s entries


There’s some encrypted text. Let’s decrypt it !

5. Decrypt notes data

To decrypt this entry, there’s no choice , we will have to understand and analyze how the application encrypted it.
A stroke of luck, we have the apk, and the data of the application

1.Find all necessary data for decryption

First let’s look at the two main data files, the database, and the shared preferences

  • The database is in databases> notes_db

  • Shared preferences in shared_prefs>

  • App apk
    Why shared preferences? If we look inside this file, we can find a salt, a hash, and a masterkey


2.Wich tools ?

We’ll need tools for reverse engineering the apk

  • Jadx , for decompile the apk and see pseudo source-code

  • Five brains ( Because it’ll blow up your brain )

  • Time, a lot of time ( or a write-up, like this one ! )

3.Decompile apk

1.Install jadx

This step is easy , you just need to do sudo apt install jadx

Command depends of your linux distribution
2.Decompile apk

First, launch jadx-gui with jadx-gui command.
Jadx’ll ask you for open a file, select base.apk ( In backup > )
A few seconds, and presto, you have access to the source code


4.Understand encryption system

We leave you the choice, either you search by yourself, or you continue reading and everything will be ready for you

1. Important functions

There are a few pieces of code we will need to focus on (For readability we will remove some unnecessary code)

We had to reproduce the getMasterKey () function
This function will return a key to us, with which we can decrypt the vault’s entries ( encrypted with AES ).
(If you want more details, go see the code )

Here is a diagram explaining the masterkey function

Black boxes are xml variables, and password hexagon is user input
Completes lines → Function call
Dotted lines → Variable
Do not hesitate to follow the diagram with a finger to fully understand
Figure 1. Open the image in a new tab for a bigger size

Then, we can call decrypt function , with MASTER_KEY and some text do decrypt and that’s all.

5. Make a script

After understanding the code, we had to make a script, because decoding AES on paper, that’s too much hard.

So , here is the script. We took the time to comment on all of the code to ensure it was understood.

Now, let’s use it , that’s so simple , you just have to do

pip install backports.pbkdf2 pycrypto

And then :

python notes_db --vaultonly

--vaultonly parameter tells the script not to display entries that are not in the vault

Obviously, you must copy these two files in the same folder as the script

Now, check the result

########## MemorixVault ##########
Dev :
switch to key-based auth, for now use password w@ckySystem99 ---------> Not checked
enable remote access ---------> Checked
set up backup synchronization ---------> Checked

Nice ! We got a password ! w@ckySystem99

6. Use this password

Remember our ports table :

Port Service






Syncthing WEB GUI


Syncthing TCP

We had SSH port , let’s try our password !

But..We don’t have any username ?

Don’t worry , try with whatever you want

ssh hacker@oreo.local -p 8022

And we get a Termux shell.

A little whoami and :

$ whoami
$ id
uid=10074(u0_a74) gid=10074(u0_a74) groups=3003(inet),9997(everybody),20074(u0_a74_cache),50074(all_a74)

We are not root :)

Let’s see termux file

$ ls
drozer-agent-2.3.4.apk  user.txt

Oh , the user flag

$ cat user.txt

7.Privilege Escalation: The ROOT

Yeees the user flag , but now , how can we become root ?

Remember , the 5555 port , it was protected with a firewall, but do you know the power of ssh ?

In SSH there is something called port forwarding , with this we are able to redirect a remote private port to a local port (among others), through an ssh tunnel.

Let’s do it :

ssh hacker@oreo.local -p 8022 -L 6666: -N

This command will map remote port 5555 to local port 6666, let it run in the background

And we just have to connect with adb

adb connect 6666
adb shell
x86_64:/ $ su
x86_64:/ $ whoami
x86_64:/ # cat /data/root.txt

Thanks for reading,
@pookz, @charlie08 ,@Kaporos